PPR Strategies


4 tasks that should be on your post-event checklist

Summer is a busy event season, and this summer was no different!

We work with a lot of clients on creating and marketing their conferences and events. There’s so much behind-the-scenes work that goes into creating a successful event. It requires taking into account the attendee experience, timing, schedule, and so much more.

So, once the event is over… then what?

What kind of follow-up should you be doing? And how can you use what you’ve learned to make future events better (and more streamlined in the planning process)?

Here are a few key items to keep on your post-event checklist:

Send post-event surveys

After the event, send out surveys to the participants, requesting feedback. Their feedback can provide golden information about what worked at the event and what could be improved, from an audience perspective. Positive comments can also be turned into testimonials with their permission.

Share the event wrap-up on social media and in a blog/newsletter

Don’t just keep a successful event to yourself… share it! Share the highlights of the event and photos on social media and in your newsletter. This is a great way to get your audience excited about other events to come, and to get the word out about what your organization is doing.

Reflect on what worked and what did not work

While the event is still fresh on your mind, reflect on what worked well, what didn’t work, what you’d like to improve, and what else you want to do next time.

Create event processes

In order to replicate the event again, it’s very important to document the processes and procedures involved in creating the event. If you have those details documented, it makes it easier for you in the future and also easier if someone else has to take part of your responsibilities.

What else is on your post-event checklist? Do you make a practice of doing each of these tasks?

Let me know in the comment section below!

‘Til next time,

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