PPR Strategies


PPR Strategies’s 15-year anniversary!

This month, it’s PPR Strategies’s 15-year anniversary!

I started this company from my house, soon after the birth of my daughter Tabitha. I’d never thought of myself as an entrepreneur, but a friend planted the seed in my mind to start a marketing & PR company, and I wanted to see where I could take it.

I’d been working inside of Economic Development for a while, which I loved. AND I was ready to shake things up a little. (Because having a kid wasn’t enough of a shake-up, ha!) 🙂 So in September of 2002, I decided to go for it! I settled on the name “PPR Strategies.”

Since then, we’ve grown from a one-woman operation out of my house to a cohesive team working between various offices in West Virginia, Maryland and Colorado.

For a long time, I served a lot of businesses outside of Economic Development. I believed I needed to help “everyone.” The truth is, I’m most passionate about serving Economic Development and Tourism Organizations, and so about 5 years ago I began narrowing my focus and my marketing messages.

Many Economic Development Organizations go on a similar marketing journey. You might think your target market should be “everyone.” Or maybe there’s a “hot and trendy” industry you think you should be trying to attract. Well, if it isn’t what your community is truly aligned with, don’t waste your time trying to attract them.

Instead, focus on the industry that your community excels at supporting. This will allow you to focus your communications and PR efforts — and succeed at your highest level. Having a focused message will allow you to concentrate your energy and focus in specific areas, rather than being all over the place.

Thank you for being a part of PPR Strategies’s story!

Looking forward to continuing to serve you,


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