PPR Strategies


How to figure out the best places to reach your target audience

I was speaking to someone the other day who was sharing a major marketing problem they were having.

“I’ve been seeing our ads and messages all over the place… And yet — nobody is buying!”

My next question was, “Are YOU in your target audience?”

Turns out, she was NOT.

Unfortunately, this is a typical problem that I see happening. In many cases, the problem is… YOU aren’t your target audience!

And if you are targeting all of the online or print media that YOU are exposed to on a daily basis, you might be missing your target audience altogether.

So today I want to walk you through how to figure the best places to reach your target audience.

First, identify who your Ideal Client Avatar is.

If you had to boil your target audience down to one representative “ideal client avatar,” what would that person be like?

  • Are they male or female?
  • How old are they?
  • What do they do for a living?
  • What are their biggest dreams? Biggest challenges?
  • Where do they live?

Next, you want to figure out the key types of media that your Ideal Client Avatar uses.

And THIS is where you need to be advertising.

To find that out, answer the following questions:

  • What types of online media/social media do they use?
  • What types of traditional media do they use, like print magazines, newspapers, or TV?
  • How and why do they make buying decisions?

Now, what if you’re trying to reach a demographic like teenagers or college students — and you have no clue what the latest social media site is that they are using? Or, what if you’re in your 30s and trying to reach an Ideal Client who is 55+? How can figure out the best options for reaching that audience?

The best way to do this is by asking them directly.

For example, you can reach out to your current customers in this demographic, and send them a survey, asking what media they are reviewing. Or you could even interview them 1:1 on the phone.

Do your research and connect with the people who are in your target audience. Once you’re clear on what media your target market is actually using, THAT is where you want to focus your advertising budget.

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