PPR Strategies


How a podcast can support your place-based content plan

As we’ve been excitedly sharing in our past few blog posts, Season Two of the Frederick Factor podcast is underway! (You can listen to episodes here and check out sneak previews from the host on Instagram here.)

I’m curious… have you ever considered creating a podcast?

A podcast can be a great addition to your overall content plan and strategic plan to support existing businesses. A podcast can also be a way of sharing the tools and resources of existing partners more widely and of articulating the assets of your community from an attraction perspective – whether you’re attracting businesses, talent or visitors.

Recording a podcast requires resources (both time and financial resources), so it’s important to clarify how it supports your overall mission or strategic plan for your organization.

For example, if your strategic plan is about supporting existing businesses through marketing and outreach, you’d want a podcast that interviews local business owners. You could talk with them about their products, what a great place it is to work (if they’re focused on recruitment efforts), or their ideas for expansion. Your conversation can align with whatever their current needs and goals are.

Another way to look at is to clarify: How would your podcast strategically help your community with its goals? For example, if recruiting talent to the area is your goal, you could talk with people who have recently relocated to the community, interview HR directors, or tell the story of unique neighborhoods for anyone who’s considering moving there.

Getting these foundational pieces right is so important to creating an aligned strategy for your podcast and making sure it supports your organization’s goals.

If there’s an idea for a podcast simmering in your head, I encourage you to not let the fear of the unknown hold you back. You never know what you’ll learn along the way or what kind of opportunities and new connections could open up as a result.

Want to learn more about the process of creating a podcast? We’ve got a free guide that breaks down the 7 phases to starting a podcast – from “just a podcast idea” all the way to streaming your first episode. Download “How to Create a Podcast to Tell Your Story” here! We’re also pleased to be offering our strategic support with podcast creation. We also have an in-house podcast recording studio available for rent, so your interviews can sound professional and high quality. To learn more, hit reply or book your 15-minute call with me here.

Reimagining Places With You,
Sandy and the PPR Strategies Team

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