PPR Strategies


8 Weeks of Giving: Buy a Cup of Coffee for Someone

Welcome back to 8 Weeks of Giving! Over 8 weeks, the PPR Strategies team is finding creative ways to give, and we’re dedicating these 8 weeks to activities that support mental health. During COVID and the holidays, mental health struggles can be a challenge for so many. It’s our hope that we can do our part to lift others (and ourselves!) through this series. 

Research shows that helping others can be beneficial to our own mental wellbeing. And this can be something as simple as buying a second cup of coffee at the coffee shop. 

Here’s what Sophie, our Director of Operations, did for this week’s activity: 

Sometimes, the best way to fill your own cup is to fill the cup of another… And in this case, it was a cup of coffee! 

As the weather gets colder, it’s so important to remember our most vulnerable populations. While at Starbucks, I purchased a cup of coffee for a houseless man in Frederick. Although I won’t show his face to protect his dignity, I will share his coffee order: a dark roast with seven sugars and a cream! The simple act of purchasing a cup of coffee for someone can let them know that they’re seen and cared about.

The next time you’re at a coffee shop, perhaps you’ll be inspired to pick up an extra cup of coffee for someone. While brightening their day, you’ll brighten your own as well!

If you’d like some more ideas of random acts of kindness, check out this list: https://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/blog/random-acts-kindness 

Here are a few highlights:

  • Send flowers to a friend
  • Offer to pick up some groceries for your elderly neighbor
  • Offer to cook for a friend or family member
  • Tell someone in your life why you’re thankful for them
  • Put a surprise note or drawing on someone’s desk

Let us know if you try any of these! Share with us in the comments below!

‘Til next time,

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