PPR Strategies


How to Get More Leads From Your EDO Website

It can be easy to think of your Economic Development Organization as a government organization versus a business.

However, this can stop you from proactively looking for new business and customers. So you can miss key opportunities for getting new leads.

One of these key opportunities is right there on the homepage of your website!

When people land on your website, they are curious and want to learn more. That’s your opportunity to capture their email address so you can follow up with them.

So how can you do that?

Asking people to sign up for your newsletter is better than nothing… But what’s in it for them?

You need to offer something interesting in exchange for their email address on your website, which is called a “lead magnet.”

Some examples of EDO lead magnets are:

  • a white paper
  • a resource guide on how to do business in this community
  • a list of available free resources that business owners or new entrepreneurs might not know exist
  • a list of the top 10 things to do to start your business in this community

As an Economic Development professional, these are all types of information you’re already brainstorming and talking about.

But for an entrepreneur, small business owner, or even a large business owner, this is new and different for them. For them, it’s similar to going to a realtor. You’re buying a house or a piece of property once or twice in your life. Meanwhile, the realtor is handling these types of deals once or twice a week.

You’ve got really valuable information, resources, and knowledge in your head. If you could get some of it down on paper, that would be a great freebie resource that people will opt in to your website to receive.

Once you have their email address, you can follow up with them via a personal email, as well as through newsletters to your email list. In your newsletters, share information of value about your community, success stories from your community, upcoming events, and more.

But there could be other reasons you’re currently missing leads. Find out the 5 non-negotiables so you can get more leads NOW in the free guide below (no major website redesign needed).

Click below for instant access!


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