PPR Strategies


How to “reverse-engineer” your marketing plan

What’s the end goal you want your audience to take in your marketing initiatives?

  • Do you want them to pick up the phone and call you?
  • Fill out a form on your website?
  • Comment on a social media post?

To come up with your strategy, go backwards starting with your end goal. Consider the answer to the following question:

In order for this particular audience to take action, what do they need from you?  

If you continue employing the same recycled marketing techniques or communicating the same way you did 10 years ago, you won’t see any new results. Your efforts will fall flat. Times have changed and your communications efforts need to change too.

For example, If you’re connecting with an audience of millenials, you may want to reach them through a Facebook Messenger Bot or Texting Campaign.

If you want to reach local big businesses, you may want to get out there in traditional media outlets. For example — getting on morning-oriented talk shows, or doing radio interviews on a local AM radio station. (Some outlets may not have huge numbers in regards to following but may have very loyal audiences. It all comes down to going where your audience is.)

You also should make sure that you are properly set up for them to take the action!

  • If you are driving people to your website, make sure that it is updated.
  • If you want people to comment on your social media sites, review your profile as needed.
  • If you want people to call you, make sure your phone number is clearly listed for them.

Once you have a clear end goal in mind, you can figure out how and where you need to invest your dollars and time — whether that’s on social media, radio, or connecting with local businesses.

‘Til next time,

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